An Early Sullivan Wright Gizer & McRae trial team, comprised of Scott Gizer, Ryan Hemar, Jackie Hosey and Valerie Segura prevailed in bench trial on behalf of its clients JP Mobasher and Daphne Huey, who were being sued by Mobasher’s sister-in-law, Sharareh Neyary, as part of a divorce proceeding. Neyary claimed Mobasher conspired with his brother to put title to Neyary and her husband’s home in Mobasher and Huey’s name to shield the asset in the event of a divorce. Mobasher and Huey put on evidence at trial to establish that title was taken in Mobasher’s name because Neyary and her husband did not have the funds to purchase the property themselves, but that Mobasher had agreed to transfer title to them upon reimbursement of the funds he invested, which never occurred. After the presentation of the evidence, the Court found Neyary’s claims to lack credibility and entered judgment in favor of Mobasher and Huey.