
April 26th, 2024


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Eric Anderson Speaks to Newsweek about Harvey Weinstein’s Overturned Conviction in New York

Eric Anderson recently spoke to Newsweek about the overturning of Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction in New York, examining whether this latest development will lead to the producer’s acquittal.

Eric expresses to Newsweek that the trial court had gone too far in admitting evidence. He explains, “Lay people may have a big problem with these decisions and proclaim that it means victims are not being heard. That is poppycock.” With many wondering whether Weinstein can be recharged, Eric tells Newsweek, “This decision neither frees Weinstein nor gives him great hope for an acquittal on retrial. It’s a decision that follows the law regarding fair trials.”

He continues to explain, “Here, the prosecution did everything right, except for putting on four ‘bad acts’ witnesses. But the trial court allowed it. They had good reason to think they would succeed with a conviction that could stand appeal Review.”

Read the full article in Newsweek:

Why the Harvey Weinstein Conviction Had to Be Overturned